Network: Sister Projects
Given the high number of early school leavers and the growing inequalities, it appears that our education systems still fail to provide inclusive quality education and equal opportunities for effective educational transitions. Therefore, a multidisciplinary consortium of five experienced and leading research groups from five European research universities, and a NGO with a strong track record on dissemination and implementation proposes the BRIDGE research project.
The BRIDGE’s project overarching aim is to improve participation and completion rates in upper secondary and tertiary education in Europe and to promote more effective educational choices, by providing rigorous evidence on policies and practices that promote better-informed and more effective education and labour market transitions. Additionally, we pay special attention to two recent challenges as we deepen the understanding on the long-term impact of the Covid-19 crisis, and how international student and graduate mobility strengthens education and economies. To this end, BRIDGE leverages unique datasets, providing valuable insights into both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of schooling transitions. Working closely with education stakeholders and using state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative methods, the BRIDGE project assesses the impact of education and training policies on enhancing learning attainments and labour market performance. Ultimately, as an impact-driven research project, BRIDGE is committed to producing robust recommendations for education and training policies, which will strengthen quality education and result in less inequality in Europe.
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) - Coordinator
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Universiteit Maastricht (Netherlands)
- Brunel University London (United Kingdom)
- Estonian Business School (Estonia)
- Schoolmakers (Belgium)