Research Themes & Tools

Modelling Pathways and Transitions in GE and PVET and to the Labour Market (WP1)


The overall objectives of WP1 are to provide and develop the conceptual-theoretical approach of the EDU-LAB project and to inform the work of WP2, WP3 and WP4 and to receive feedback from these WPs to improve the modeling approach of WP1. The conceptual-theoretical approach consists of multi-perspective models of educational pathways and transitions in GE and PVET (ISCED 3-8) and to the labour market, including their multiple intersectional determinants. The focus will be on the determinants that may influence choices for pathways and the related transitions as well as participation, progression and completion of GE and PVET. Particular attention will be given to issues of equity and inclusion, considering relevant sociological factors and determinants such as gender, membership of migrant and other minority groups and ethnicity. The following specific objectives will be pursued under this overall objective:

1st objective

Identify and document the above-mentioned educational pathways and transitions in the national education systems of the EEA countries.

2nd objective

Identify a comprehensive set of supporting and hindering intersectional determinants of the above-mentioned educational pathways and transitions (generic cross-country determinants grouped in categories).

3rd objective

Identify gaps in data and information to be filled by the research of WP3 and WP4. The goal is to gain a better understanding of educational pathways, trajectories, and transitions, as well as the intersecting determinants that support or hinder them. The goal is to improve modelling and its empirical foundation, and to develop recommendations for enhancing pathways, transitions, and the decision-making process surrounding them.

4th objective

Create comprehensive elaborated models of pathways and transitions in GE education and PVET (ISCED 3-8) and to the labour market for EEA countries (conceptual and graphical models of structures and processes). These country-specific models will be accompanied by the comprehensive set of (generic) intersectional determinants of these pathways and transitions. These objectives stand for essential parts of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the related EU-level targets.