The Consortium

Bamberg University

The University of Bamberg is a mid-size University with an academic focus on the humanities, social and economic sciences, as well as human sciences rounded out by application-oriented computer sciences. The university is committed to quality teaching, and the high rankings that the university has received are an incentive to continue to strive toward that goal. Professor Miriam M. Gebauer chair for Teacher Education (lead) brings in experience in quantitative research in general education large-scale assessment investigating educational trajectories. Team members are Professor Dr. Silvia Annen for Business Education brings in labor market usability of qualifications and returns on education, Professor Dr. Rita Braches-Chyrek for Social pedagogy brings in expertise in qualitative research and case studies and Professor Dr. Judith Volmer for Organizational Psychology is an expert for sustainable career planning and multi-method research. The team leads WP3A and co-leads all other WPs.
