Research Themes & Tools
Efficiency assessment of policies and investments in GE and PVET (WP2)
The overall objectives of WP2 are to assess the effectivity and efficiency of policies and investments which attempt to promote equity, inclusion, participation, progression and completion in GE and PVET (ISCED 3-8) and during the transition to the labour market, and to inform the work of WP1, WP3 and WP4. WP2 will receive feedback from these WPs to improve the efficiency analysis. In this endeavour, WP2 concentrates on indicators that signal the real and measurable promotion of equity, inclusion, participation, progression and completion in GE and PVET. The focus will be on policies and investments that may influence choices for pathways and transitions, and inclusion and equity, participation, progression and completion of GE and PVET. Particular attention will be given to the effectivity and efficiency of policies and investments to promote equity and inclusion, considering relevant sociological factors and determinants, such as gender, membership of migrant and other minority groups and ethnicity. The following specific objectives will be pursued under these overall objectives:1st objective
Identify, map and categorize the policies and investments implemented in the EEA countries to promote equity, inclusion, participation, progression and completion in GE and PVET (ISCED 3-8) and during the transition to the labour market.2nd objective
Create a comprehensive set of indicators of the effectivity of policies (and their practical measures) and investments.3rd objective
Identify gaps in data and information to be filled by the research of WP3 and WP4. The goal is to gain a better understanding how intended or non-intended effects have been achieved and why certain effects have not been achieved by the different types of policies and investments.4th objective
Create a comprehensive system (e.g. in the form of a matrix) of relations between effectivity indicators, types of policies and investments of the above-mentioned education area, the measured effectivity, the amount of investment and the respective efficiency score (qualitative or quantitative).These objectives stand for essential parts of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 and the related EU-level targets.