The Consortium

University of Graz

The University of Graz, founded in 1585, is Austria’s second oldest and largest university. Many excellent scientists, amongst them six Nobel laureates, have taught and researched here. With 30,000 students (17% international) and 4,600 employees the University of Graz regards itself as an international institution for education and research committed to research and teaching for the benefit of society. The University’s international networking in the fields of teaching, research, and administration has increased considerably in the context of building the European Higher Education Area. The team leader Prof. Dr. Natalia Waechter is sociologist and educational scientist, contributing to the project with her expertise in comparative empirical methods of social science, youth studies, education in the life course as well as social inequalities/social inclusion. Dr. Markus Meschik is educational scientist focused on social inclusion of young people and quantitative empirical methods. The team implements two case studies in Austria, co-leads WP4 and contributes to all other WPs.
