The Consortium

Economica Institute

The Economica Institute of Economic Research ( is a registered not-for-profit-research institute according to Austrian Law established in 2005. It draws upon a long and successful legacy and a much stronger economic background. The institute itself accounts for an annual (non-subsidy) turnover of EUR 850K to 950K. Moreover, Economica is part of Cognion Research Group with an annual turnover of about EUR 6M. Economica maintains a robust infrastructure (such as own-property office space and a frontier IT-network).  All this is conducive to ensure a higher degree of sustainability required for the implementation of medium and large-scale international projects, such as the ones funded through Horizon Europe.

The Coordination team and the consortium is led by Dr. Alexander Chvorostov, an experienced coordinator of research and consulting endeavours, who has administered almost two dozen of international large- and mid-scale projects (funded by the EC, WB, UNEP, DFID, OSI, etc.) since late 1990s. Since the early 2000s, he concentrated mostly on the development and coordination of international projects funded through various EU framework programs, such as FP5, FP7, H2020, Horizon Europe, as well as the past development programs INTAS and TACIS. Dr. Chvorostov is a fellow sociologist and his major research and teaching fields constitute various subjects in the Sociology of Education; his further specializations include empirical methods of social research, as well as international comparative research programs. In EDU-LAB, he leads WP6 and WP7 and co-leads WP3 (the part related to OSES). The further member of the coordination team is Prof. David Campbell, who is a world-wide renown expert in the studies of democracy and technological progress and their implications for education and social well-being; Prof. Campbell works for various universities in Austria and is co-editor in numerous project-relevant publishing houses; he co-leads WP5 and contributes to WP1-2-3-4. Another part of the team is a fellow econometrist and mathematician Dr. Xiaoshan Liu, who contributes to several specific modelling and data-assessment tasks in WP1-2-3 and assists other project teams in the conceptual selection of data and their thematic processing. ECONOMICA has sufficient administrative and technological capacities, as well as know-how to host and manage large-scale multi-team international projects. Other research fellows and assistants will be employed in ad-hoc mode as needed.
