The Consortium
AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium
AlmaLaurea Interuniversity Consortium (AL) includes 80 Italian Universities and about 90% of graduates in Italy. AL carries out two annual census surveys on Profile and Employment status of Graduates at 1, 3, 5 years at graduation. AL is part of the Italian National Statistic System. AL team is led by Prof. Marina Timoteo, Director, full professor of Comparative Private Law at School of Law, University of Bologna. As Director she supervises and edits the annual survey reports annually carried out by AL. The reports are jointly realized by IT office in charge with database management, led by Dr. Alberto Leone and by the Statistical and survey offices, led by Ms. Silvia Ghiselli, experts in the development of students and graduates of surveys and studies. Dr. Dorel Manitiu and Dr. Luisa Mengoni as post-doc (PhD in Law and Economics) are involved as project managers in mainly EU-funded capacity building projects in the higher education and international networking. The team implements a case study in Italy and contributes to all other WPs.